Things Fall Apart: A Call to Put Them Back Together

Things Fall Apart: A Call to Put Them Back Together

Kintsugi is a style of Japanese pottery. First, the artist molds the clay carefully to form the plate, teapot, or bowl. Once it is completed, it is slammed it on the table and shattered. The result of hours of work is now in hundreds of pieces. Then begins the process...


I grew up in the arts. From age three, I was in dance classes, art classes, piano lessons, musical theatre, etc. I gained an incredible understanding of the technical elements that make the arts not just entertainment but a craft. When I was small, the stages were...

Personal Update and Stop Motion

I’ve worked as a photographer for about two years and I’ve been growing into video. I’ve wanted to learn stop motion for quite sometime. Our brains perceive images at a rate of approximately 24 frames per second. When images are displayed slower than...