Please allow me to
introduce myself…

My name is Chaz Stead. I’m a creative professional located in North Canton, OH with my wife, Kennedy and my daughter, Adeline. I’ve spent 23 years of my life on stages (of all kinds) connecting and engaging audiences. I’m extremely passionate about communication.
At three years old, I was dragged into dance classes by my older sisters. Yes, there was an embarrassing outfit. No, I will not share photos. I spent my teenage years as a professional actor and my early twenties in college, touring in a rock band, DJ-ing for a radio station, and singing classically across the U.S. and Italy.
These experiences…
These experiences shaped me fundamentally. Across all lines, culture draws people together and cannot be communicated better than through art. I believe the fundamentals of art remain consistent across all mediums.
The ideas of storytelling and plot development should exist in every piece of print or digital media. Art not only exists in the creation but in the response of the audience. Art is a conversation.

I am at my best when…
I am at my best when I am 3 cups of coffee into a design project or pulling all of the antsy, excited emotions out of a newly-engaged couple. I love learning new creative skills. And I can do it in a flash (like the time I learned stop-motion in an hour.)
I am excited to take this passion and direct it into my career in marketing; bringing my creative skill set, unique experiences, and desire to connect.