Zak Slayback, as his website says, teaches ambitious professionals the skills to get ahead that school never taught. He is an author, speaker, entrepreneur, and business coach. The design I created for him was a money back guarantee. Unlike my other design projects this month where I developed a brand image, this project was working inside of an existing and trusted brand. I wanted to create something for Zak that resembled the classic money back guarantee that we are all familiar with but was forward enough in the design to communicate Zak’s target demographic of under-35-year-olds.

Zak’s Thoughts– Working with Chaz was a delight. Most designers I find are slow, expensive, and don’t do the basic research to get the “feeling” of the design right. Chaz looked up my site, grabbed the correct color and design, and sent me several examples from which I could choose — all ahead of schedule. I’m going to keep him on my shortlist of designers.


Design 1

Design 2

Design 3

Design 4

Design 5

Design 6